The custom printed pen is mightier than the sword!
- 28 Jan, 2014
- nblair
Building your brand is a task that is never done! It takes intentional effort and commitment, and it’s worth it. Anything bearing your company name is a little mini advertisement. At PLS Print, we made up some custom printed pens to hand out to our customers and prospects. These pens are great, because they aren’t very expensive and they are comfortable to write with. Repetition is key to branding your small business and promotional products (like this pen) get used over and over. They build a level of familiarity and comfort with your brand name.
It doesn’t matter what kind of business you are in, a strong brand name will always trump a weak brand name. If you want a free sample of this exact custom printed pen, give us call or email us, we’ll be happy to get one over to you! We can create pens just like this one for your company today.