Data Management
We operate out of a secure facility capable of handling sensitive data. Whether you are providing your own data, or you need us to help, we have your covered. Choose from criteria such as credit ratings, hobbies, marital status, past purchase history, income, geography and more.
Whether you need variable digital printing or static shells with imprints, we have your fully covered. Between our web, sheetfed, and digital presses, we can handle any size campaign.
Inserting / Inkjetting
With a full line of inserters and inkjet equipment, we can crank out 100,000+ inserted letters and 400,000+ inkjet pieces per day. Our streamlined operations means your piece will typically print and mail within 48 hours.
Shipping / Mail Tracking
Our job is not done when we drop the pallet at the post office, because we continue to track your mail using sophisticated IMb Tracing software. This lets you know exactly when your pieces are hitting homes... giving you better insights to tailor your marketing efforts. We also partner with drop-shipping providers across the country to ensure you receive the lowest postage rates possible.